'Using TubeHax DNS will still allow you to use internet if you want & only blocks Nintendo's update servers.'
1. Go to Wii U Menu/System Settings/Internet/Connect to the Internet
2. Input your router's SSID and password (typically WPA2-PSK AES)
'IP Address: Auto-obtain'
'Primary DNS: (TubeHax DNS)'
This should make your Wii U fail to connect to the internet if TubeHax fails, though it's not confirmed.
''Block by URL Filtering in your router settings:''
Go to router settings page, typically or find URL blocking & add the following URLs:
''Self-hosting Wii U expoit on an Android Device:''
'Only requires Wii U + Android device. Can be used without internet or router.'
!!. Disable cellular internet connection before doing any of this or Wii U will have internet access through your Android device's cellular data.
1. Get Homebrew Launcher ''Webserver Files'' .zip https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher/releases
2. From .zip, copy all files inside 'www' directory into 'HBL' folder created on root directory of phone. (root is directory with 'Android', 'Alarms', etc. folders)
''Setting up Android device as a Wi-Fi hotspot & connecting the Wii U to it:''
3. Go to Android settings ▶ Connections ▶ More networks ▶ Enable 'Tethering & mobile hotspots' (may also be 'Portable Wi-Fi hotspot' in 'More Settings')
3a. Wi-Fi hotspot should be named AndroidAP by default. Tap it & Configure, then add a password.
3b. In Wii U ▶ System Settings ▶ Internet ▶ Connect to the Internet, then connect to AndroidAP using the password you set. '(optional: set Preferred Wi-Fi Network to AndoirdAP)'
''Setting up a web server app to host Homebrew Launcher exploit files:''
4a. Get kWS Web Server app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xeustechnologies.android.kws&hl=en
4b. In kWS Web Server app settings, set Home directory to /sdcard/HBL
5a. With Wi-Fi hotspot AndroidAP enabled & Wii U connected to AndroidAP Wi-Fi hotspot, hit the 'Start server' button in kWS Web Server.
This will then provide an address. For example, look for something like: 'Host ( Port (8080)'
5b. On the Wii U, open the Internet Browser & in the address bar type in what kWS Web Server provided. IE. '' then go.
The Wii U will load the files in the 'HBL' folder on your phone thus running the Homebrew Launcher exploit.
When you have all this set up & the Wii U is using Android AP as the default connection all you have to do is enable Wi-Fi hotspot on your phone & 'Start sever' in kWS at any time for immediate ability to run the exploit on Wii U with no router & no internet needed. You can take your Wii U anywhere & be able to run the exploit with the files hosted on your phone.
------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
SD card directories should have ''3 folders'' inside the game folder & looks like this:
'wiiugamesMario Kart 8 [AMKE01]content'
If game is in a ''.WUD'' file you must extract it with ''Uwizard'': https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ETxoIujjPFLTJOY2pIZ3RfRms/view?pref=2&pli=1
The Wii U common key: 'D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656'
And the Title ID for the game. If you download a scene release the ''.nfo'' or ''.txt'' file should have the Title ID, if it doesn't, find it on this list:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l427nnapxKEUBA-aAtiwAq1Kw6lgRV-hqdocpKY6vQ0/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true ''(under column F 'WUD Key')''
''Wii U Games Compiled List - DDL Links '(1 of 2)'''
''Art Academy Atelier [BXAP01]'' → mega:#!q40C0LoD!r6FKkstjWKaoxXzOqGd9VgCPAjqrpVI0OW3b8X6bBso
''Assassin Creed IV Black Flag [ASBP41]'' → mega:#F!ERASGJgY!3XUnoOsH2KVUyL2YhxbHMA
''Batman Arkham City Armored Edition US'' → mega:#!ftV2wJhZ!cOgJluc6tOs_6s_2NhzyXdsQ2vvSfSyGEG17myAkObY
''Batman Origins [AZEEWR]'' → mega:#F!h4EVnbKB!iwSmyVmbdyXHs66_f9EMpw
''Bayonetta [AAFD01]'' → mega:#!140XHSqK!T4Hd813Rf8jEtGVFKvDxyJlehl74xrEJhASfPN56pQ4
''Bayonetta 2 [AQUE01]'' → mega:#!NxVXWQKJ!7Lgp_NoUXwBUdzZOK3XeAuXWVGMXx9Y3TBYQiK54nUM
''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBE01]'' → mega:#!zVo0jaJA!5rtUUgGRTzoQqIUvyCFQkZGENPlLM5sLAdPpSLQCifU
''Donkey Kong - Tropical Freeze [ARKE01]'' → mega:#!F5tWAa7Z!yM8oysT2VZA-b8YGTb3SaNuIG4MIALWR2by86s3O3kE
''Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut [ADXPGD]'' → https://mega.nz/#F!AQAwwBKI!t-rk6GNXZqPwACYxqcdlSg
''Game & Wario [ASAE01]'' → mega:#!mplljYLa!RgIYMdg5N8r_DsB7j2nJWP5xRzAiNC7J7n7KaHFvJO0
''Hyrule Warriors [BWPE01]'' → mega:#!bskmWIQJ!yGYgkjMQDdc88LLuJRvUDuCrIoPl3Eb_jmAUF9dRU7g
''Kirby and the Rainbow Curse [AXYJ01]'' → mega:#!4Yx3HCoZ!mc_0lOL2wp2oYdRxNvcMY9ve8aAmaAVG83SvsD8rBpw
''Mario Kart 8 [AMKE01]'' → mega:#!jtUXiBzC!vxZYgqoul7Te3kfbgZDUKYwwhx_0MHfWrEe1yllqPq8
''Mario Party 10 [ABAE01]'' → mega:#!Sh8nQIoZ!D8Tsiqu1nkGVAETZHW7PcXMpzp0w65NFvPBwWmpdLTU
''Mario Tennis Ultra Smash [AVXE01]'' → mega:#!FcxknR7I!naT-qKSvoXS_1olIGmbamuwDG-yvSytg3RkZHDgoTpY
''Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 [AHDP08]'' → mega:#F!081xnbIY!DaVHMX_7wd5EqW-iwOdbUA
''Need For Speed Most Wanted [ANSE69]'' → mega:#F!ZVpESbrY!9rWOZZIrp2jbn4ktHoAqcQ
''New Super Luigi U [ARSE01]'' → mega:#!Vo0whbRI!xmz1J2_ljMxq0eZ5y6K0xlppnKB9xsEvAvSVzQ8_Di0
''New Super Mario Bros U [ARPE01]'' → mega:#F!LQ9SxIxS!HH3qGUfaWhrW2MNtoCZ3gg
''Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge [ANGE01]'' → mega:#F!R89xEThL!vnQPPpRUWnZNJc54v6NO2w
''Pikmin 3 [AC3P01]'' → mega:#F!5ol2GRKC!UD_qW0LfhNtCF5NG8JxAFA
''Pokken Tournament [APKP01]'' → mega:#F!BtNTAIqR!DXF5gEsq88dQmb3FA--VWA
''Puyo Puyo Tetris'' → https://mega.nz/#!Qp12zLgR!ftPjeotQmJ4L7EgVaj6gd9Wao-DBPrHAnIYRJOWFh3o
''Shovel Knight [WKNPAY]'' → mega:#!NxkzBAJY!A5_G1muXBaZFYjrWnZJOQo5WPVPwuMd5WsC1fKG4DK0
''Sonic Lost World [ASNE8P]'' → mega:#F!JMAljDrT!NbdIWmdSyJSMvlE2IHkbMg
''Splatoon [AGMP01]'' → mega:#F!cUQwxAgJ!yMaPkPPxTkP48hCv87dQLA
''Star Fox Zero [AFXE01]'' → mega:#F!StESkDxA!H8nU1E0Xgxl25YMZZzwdWA
''Super Mario Maker [AMAP01]'' → mega:#!09FjhI6R!pM97a1UIbuJMn5wsTR7PeD1qIVf8pfTkxT-fnW5ncjw
''Super Smash Bros Wii U [AXFE01]'' → mega:#!JFBAxLrD!F-otU-PHevq18YAZ9EL8JChPM00EFDmxdTrPSpvfI0s
''The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD [AZAE01]'' → mega:#F!h8MSQAZC!EP9yAlh9suu-a6LX0tjQEA
''The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker [BCZE01]'' → mega:#F!wEAHjSwS!IrjpNRIf-IXXjEdadEFgMQ
''The Wonderful 101 [ACMP01]'' → mega:#F!b4VBhLSa!qBU4wFqJiAY2ahvm_Q3JQg
''Wii Sports Club [AWSE01]'' → mega:#!sdhSxb7Q!4knv7eEYCBCany-dwqNSa-LtV6CNKI1E9pztPEVnAR0
''Xenoblade Chronicles X [AX5E01]'' → mega:#F!El1CGIwb!pjePkpa1074OCITKpar5hQ
''Xenoblade Chronicles X (EUR) (Undub Beta Uncens) [AX5D01]'' → mega:///#!5YIzTYpS!_SFQ8HgVePeQERc93k-ASgl0wxcqp70UwzMHZMTFFyQ
''Yoshis Woolly World [AYCP01]'' → mega:#F!5MAFFJBR!u9bY2ccqJOFLaUuH1HjSBQ
''Nintendo DS Collection'' → mega.nz/#F!RJlgBaRA!-v_OOMFUJwP6-0jxf60u8w
''Virtual Console Ready2Play (NES, SNES, GBA Collection)'' → mega:///#!xh9m0TKI!gTmwQyplqwGILmk9KXlNuF2ehjPn4BqzgucIt972ro0
------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
''Wii U Games Compiled List - DDL Links '(2 of 2)'''
''eShop Titles: Adventures Of Pip, Armillo, BIT TRIP RUNNER 2: The Legend Of Rythm Alien, Chasing Dead, Child Of Light, Chompy Chomp Chomp Party!, Chronicles Of Teddy - Harmony Of Exidus, Color Zen, Don't Starve Giant Edition, Dreamals, EDGE, Elliot Quest, Freedom Planet, Freeze Me, Grumpy Reeper, Human Resource Machine, Infinity Runner, Ittle Dew, Life Of Pixel, Lone Survivor Director's Cut, Master Reboot, Nihilumbra, Olympia Rising, Puzzle Monkeys, Shadow Puppeteer, Spy Chameleon, SteamWorld Dig, Stick It To The Man!, Tengami, The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth, The Cave, Trine Enchanted Edition, Whispering Willows, Wicked Monsters Blast! HD PLUS, Year Walk'' → https://mega.nz/#F!dtYxyLzI!jXFGS169uFnCM-8zXi6UcQ
''Star Fox Zero [AFXE01]''
''Super Mario 3D World [ARDE01]''
''The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD [BCZE01]''
''The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD [AZAE01]''
''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBP01]''
''New Super Luigi U [ARSE01]''
''Pikmin 3 [AC3P01]''
''Shovel Knight [WKNPAY]''
'Note for Captain Toad: This is EU copy but works with US consoles. For people in EU before you load Captain Toad you must rename all folders starting with US to EU in /data/content/LocalizedData'
''Dr. Luigi (PAL) [WAQP01]''
''Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (NTSC-U) [AXYE01]''
''NES Remix Pack (NTSC-U) [AFDE01]''
''Super Mario Maker (Updates applied) (PAL) [AMAP01]''
''Nintendo 64 Collection (1)'' → https://mega.nz/#F!uxFGkRZS!KUShgqYuuTCcXma0J0FpYw
''Nintendo 64 Collection (2)'' → https://mega.nz/#!ftZASZCZ!L7CmLhEqiNIt9wITdSLsfwI0t6YG1cJ0NCudCnnBEfY (List: http://pastebin.com/CsUu2tUV)
''Nintendo 64 Collection (3)'' → https://mega.nz/#!P4ZwAJ4J!AlxIdmAnR7-5LyvMXOyHH57SjucpYCwNbNxusxnI8mM (List: http://pastebin.com/PFF91WPn)
''SNES Collection'' → https://mega.nz/#F!zwd2WCqQ!nlat5oqv1KiLTDUDFqNYlQ (List: http://pastebin.com/pQYR4jLW)
''DS to VC converter for Windows'' → http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=34525238053711541849
------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
Difficulties with a MEGA downloads? Use magnet links. ''1. Open torrent client - 2. Add - 3. Paste the magnet link.''
''Wii U Games Compiled List - Magnet Links '(1 of 2)'''
''Armillo (eShop) EU [WMLP9T]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:192280822FC1CEF409A87EAEB14FBE4378CC34F4
''Bayonetta EU [AAFD01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:00F12C24C36A921EAA80C07A425F668278771F6D
''Bayonetta_2_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9C9C31119DEC06F2AFE96ACD07E500B215911D13
''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2C5715AB8B272452E76BD611A566F0964AB82DF9
''Child Of Light (eShop) EU [ACLP41]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9534BD06D7628C043340204892AD126E15EDE5B3
''Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:52D6AF271F0E42E9A4731F1EBCB71E38CF4B8FC4
''Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Eshop) (USA EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AD94B27823D82AE8819AC98D8A40B1D324483141
''Hyrule Warriors US'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:600107692BA8E75CD5B5BFAA8F207FA0BEB16F5E
''Just_Dance_2015_EUR_WiiU-ABSTRAKT'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:835432D9334A448A881AF622B246727D994A3D7C
''Just_Dance_2016_EUR_WiiU-VENOM'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:48F584D4AE712C4CA6ECF0170428BAA0AE50223F
''Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush [AXYP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2C95184D16D61EC6B87D62952B70498DDBFB4184
''Kirby_and_the_Rainbow_Curse_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1EE25EECE6698B808D70B1BE49F3D38BE2FBE4C8
''Mario Kart 64 (eshop) EU [NALE01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:324F8BDCD59EE7EC5ECA7C192DD7BB82F25C9B7B
''Mario Party 10 [ABAP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:07EDB261F1074FED2D4EC50AA704EFB7C220E081
''Mario Tennis Ultra Smash USA'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6E7D51F4F453083BAB1760ADC2DE7752419E47C9
''Mario.Kart.8.USA.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D4317E1166C9F76E07C500AB3676C9F861E323A3
''Mario_Party_10_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2E294982364524DAD7BA30F912FBDD458D4F2F12
''Minecraft_Wii_U_Edition_WiiU-PACT'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9F249A0D4E73FDC9F09907E7BB2568A6C344A68F
''Monster_Hunter_3_Ultimate_EUR_MULTi5_WiiU-ABSTRAKT'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C1959F6A14AB9E352BDF668B524ADB0AECF29E8C
''NES Remix US [AFDE01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:785FFB9E491EB595CB6D168FA7D9A1325F4796DB
''NES Remix 2 US [WF2E01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A6E83C6F3CD0295298649AF87F5A30433511BFDE
''New Super Luigi U [EUR]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5715101BA57309EF851EA07A29C6674FDB8E14E5
''New Super Mario Bros U USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7DCE770470C1207A30E65033C023A695999D5088
''Nintendo Land (EUR) [ALCP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3B8940115D100D2C5772F7E96702F8A0B6BFBB1F
''Oddworld New n Tasty (eShop) EU [ANWP85]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:58B7F122AAABA69912B55570976241CA04CF35AB
''Pikmin.3.USA.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C423A0DEFB26122B89ED3CFCF77DB80985E93841
------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
''Wii U Games Compiled List - Magnet Links '(2 of 2)'''
''Pokken Tournament [APKP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BB8C11B62EF288706241B9139A81F65DDA0CF89C
''Project.Zero.Maiden.of.Black.Water.EUR.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:511F8BDC64FD81B72AA4A01C76CE1F995B9A0A1E
''Resident Evil Revelations EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:44FA8C047100686401EBA52AD08FE0ED29D4FA52
''Skylanders_Giants_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:923FDEBD89D993AA51096BEACC5C270766E03D76
''Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6C0DB4A2787E65410ECAB8AB6D3E90A7EE5CB853
''Splatoon (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4EC6C5388C41A999588E1A05A49319E26831EE79
''Star Fox Zero USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A5FCF4703047F145D914D6EA8EC7C0D1493A078F
''SteamWorld Dig (eShop) EU [ADGPVW]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9BBB0F31B69C0206AE0CF7D6999C09B01C5E6615
''Stick It To The Man (eShop) EU [WMNPCY]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:32E4CB4957BB68C3EF3AD6ADA565B87370AED534
''Super Mario 3D World EU [ARDP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:DF203A5028B6706AFFCC51EEAF71C66A2AD9BE2E
''Super Mario 64 (eshop) USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B2C9269511C8BDECDF044E411DA19F34094B40C7
''Super Mario Maker USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:00E83BE338C62F2699E2F9E1CF553B8173C4AC38
''Super.Mario.3D.World.USA.WiiU-PoWeRUp-7z'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4FE95170325C42B018254E0627F3759C6F43D6E7
''Super_Smash_Bros_For_WiiU_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C10AB2EC18BB9E6E9FEDC1F683CB61CFA08199C5
''The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (eShop) EU [BRXPNV]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3CBAE2ADDEFFEFB03EB9D47E2A811B4816FDF08B
''The Cave (eShop) [WCVP8P]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:70892FD8FAAA01ED76631EF63DAEFB0BA56D2412
''The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time USA (eshop) [N64]-WHEELMAN'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AA00D15023F86606EFB70360EDDEAF1FAF867C26
''The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C1E7C1C7B2CE72E0B8FDBC8C0C16A89547BBC467
''The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:282C54575CE4C5CD7B606418BC71939B7FFA8D2C
''The_Wonderful_101_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7C0C0E3A42DFCA6C904359BBD4350F4E5829C284
''Trine_2_ Directors_Cut_EU'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:58441AED6CAD4CA7DF952CA9D76B6E99AE6E5F18
''Wii_Sports_Club_USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8317D1CA404E76246ABF0E3ECE6471F4F168CD36
''Xenoblade Chronicles X USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8C84CE62DC189E01BD74E53EDF5F05D20F53D8E6
''Yoshis Wooly World EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B2CAE75B6D4887A61F3BAD8D642B1E48B33F9208
''ZombiU (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:46DB112555CFFC96EFF30740AD05302194543589
'(Loadiine)' = Files 'should' already be extracted from the ''.WUD'' file.
If files are not extracted from ''.WUD'' you must extract it with ''Uwizard'': https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ETxoIujjPFLTJOY2pIZ3RfRms/view?pref=2&pli=1
The Wii U common key: 'D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656'
And the Title ID for the game. If you download a scene release the ''.nfo'' or ''.txt'' file should have the Title ID, if it doesn't, find it on this list:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l427nnapxKEUBA-aAtiwAq1Kw6lgRV-hqdocpKY6vQ0/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true ''(under column F 'WUD Key')''
In order to edit this wiki, you must register and verify your account.
/ /. / / / / / / / // / / / / / // / / / / / // / / / // rtx/ VENOM / Yoshis Woolly World EUR WiiU VENOM.
Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World is a dyed-in-the-wool platformer that’s bursting with colour and texture, only on Nintendo 3DS family systems. Explore a material world with Yoshi and Yoshi. Jun 29, 2015 This is how Yoshi's latest adventure begins. See two full levels, plus we explore the hub world.
Runs with default settings but tweaking is recommended.
The image below shows a summary of the whole game situation starting fresh with Cemu 1.15.0e with some additional statistics included (no 100% save used). Currently (11 May 2019) the best version of CEMU to run this game is 1.15.3. Version 1.15.5 introduces graphical glitch on level 1-4 (rotating device) and version 1.15.6 introduces rendering issues when starting or leaving a level/house in yoshi's village.
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.cemu.info/index.php?title=Yoshi%27s_Woolly_World&oldid=12611'