Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key

  1. Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key Fl
  2. Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key 10
  3. Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Keyboard
  4. Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key Fob
  1. 'Using TubeHax DNS will still allow you to use internet if you want & only blocks Nintendo's update servers.'
  2. 1. Go to Wii U Menu/System Settings/Internet/Connect to the Internet
  3. 2. Input your router's SSID and password (typically WPA2-PSK AES)
  4. 'IP Address: Auto-obtain'
  5. 'Primary DNS: (TubeHax DNS)'
  6. This should make your Wii U fail to connect to the internet if TubeHax fails, though it's not confirmed.​
  7. ''Block by URL Filtering in your router settings:''
  8. Go to router settings page, typically or find URL blocking & add the following URLs:
  9. 'nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net'
  10. 'nus.cdn.wup.shop.nintendo.net'
  11. 'c.shop.nintendowifi.net'
  12. 'cbvc.nintendo.net'
  13. ''Self-hosting Wii U expoit on an Android Device:''
  14. 'Only requires Wii U + Android device. Can be used without internet or router.'
  15. !!. Disable cellular internet connection before doing any of this or Wii U will have internet access through your Android device's cellular data.
  16. 1. Get Homebrew Launcher ''Webserver Files'' .zip https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher/releases
  17. 2. From .zip, copy all files inside 'www' directory into 'HBL' folder created on root directory of phone. (root is directory with 'Android', 'Alarms', etc. folders)
  18. ''Setting up Android device as a Wi-Fi hotspot & connecting the Wii U to it:''
  19. 3. Go to Android settings ▶ Connections ▶ More networks ▶ Enable 'Tethering & mobile hotspots' (may also be 'Portable Wi-Fi hotspot' in 'More Settings')
  20. 3a. Wi-Fi hotspot should be named AndroidAP by default. Tap it & Configure, then add a password.
  21. 3b. In Wii U ▶ System Settings ▶ Internet ▶ Connect to the Internet, then connect to AndroidAP using the password you set. '(optional: set Preferred Wi-Fi Network to AndoirdAP)'
  22. ''Setting up a web server app to host Homebrew Launcher exploit files:''
  23. 4a. Get kWS Web Server app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xeustechnologies.android.kws&hl=en
  24. 4b. In kWS Web Server app settings, set Home directory to /sdcard/HBL
  25. 5a. With Wi-Fi hotspot AndroidAP enabled & Wii U connected to AndroidAP Wi-Fi hotspot, hit the 'Start server' button in kWS Web Server.
  26. This will then provide an address. For example, look for something like: 'Host ( Port (8080)'
  27. 5b. On the Wii U, open the Internet Browser & in the address bar type in what kWS Web Server provided. IE. '' then go.
  28. The Wii U will load the files in the 'HBL' folder on your phone thus running the Homebrew Launcher exploit.
  29. When you have all this set up & the Wii U is using Android AP as the default connection all you have to do is enable Wi-Fi hotspot on your phone & 'Start sever' in kWS at any time for immediate ability to run the exploit on Wii U with no router & no internet needed. You can take your Wii U anywhere & be able to run the exploit with the files hosted on your phone.
  30. ------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
  31. SD card directories should have ''3 folders'' inside the game folder & looks like this:
  32. 'wiiugamesMario Kart 8 [AMKE01]content'
  33. If game is in a ''.WUD'' file you must extract it with ''Uwizard'': https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ETxoIujjPFLTJOY2pIZ3RfRms/view?pref=2&pli=1
  34. The Wii U common key: 'D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656'
  35. And the Title ID for the game. If you download a scene release the ''.nfo'' or ''.txt'' file should have the Title ID, if it doesn't, find it on this list:
  36. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l427nnapxKEUBA-aAtiwAq1Kw6lgRV-hqdocpKY6vQ0/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true ''(under column F 'WUD Key')''
  37. ''Wii U Games Compiled List - DDL Links '(1 of 2)'''
  38. ''Art Academy Atelier [BXAP01]'' → mega:#!q40C0LoD!r6FKkstjWKaoxXzOqGd9VgCPAjqrpVI0OW3b8X6bBso
  39. ''Assassin Creed IV Black Flag [ASBP41]'' → mega:#F!ERASGJgY!3XUnoOsH2KVUyL2YhxbHMA
  40. ''Batman Arkham City Armored Edition US'' → mega:#!ftV2wJhZ!cOgJluc6tOs_6s_2NhzyXdsQ2vvSfSyGEG17myAkObY
  41. ''Batman Origins [AZEEWR]'' → mega:#F!h4EVnbKB!iwSmyVmbdyXHs66_f9EMpw
  42. ''Bayonetta [AAFD01]'' → mega:#!140XHSqK!T4Hd813Rf8jEtGVFKvDxyJlehl74xrEJhASfPN56pQ4
  43. ''Bayonetta 2 [AQUE01]'' → mega:#!NxVXWQKJ!7Lgp_NoUXwBUdzZOK3XeAuXWVGMXx9Y3TBYQiK54nUM
  44. ''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBE01]'' → mega:#!zVo0jaJA!5rtUUgGRTzoQqIUvyCFQkZGENPlLM5sLAdPpSLQCifU
  45. ''Donkey Kong - Tropical Freeze [ARKE01]'' → mega:#!F5tWAa7Z!yM8oysT2VZA-b8YGTb3SaNuIG4MIALWR2by86s3O3kE
  46. ''Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut [ADXPGD]'' → https://mega.nz/#F!AQAwwBKI!t-rk6GNXZqPwACYxqcdlSg
  47. ''Game & Wario [ASAE01]'' → mega:#!mplljYLa!RgIYMdg5N8r_DsB7j2nJWP5xRzAiNC7J7n7KaHFvJO0
  48. ''Hyrule Warriors [BWPE01]'' → mega:#!bskmWIQJ!yGYgkjMQDdc88LLuJRvUDuCrIoPl3Eb_jmAUF9dRU7g
  49. ''Kirby and the Rainbow Curse [AXYJ01]'' → mega:#!4Yx3HCoZ!mc_0lOL2wp2oYdRxNvcMY9ve8aAmaAVG83SvsD8rBpw
  50. ''Mario Kart 8 [AMKE01]'' → mega:#!jtUXiBzC!vxZYgqoul7Te3kfbgZDUKYwwhx_0MHfWrEe1yllqPq8
  51. ''Mario Party 10 [ABAE01]'' → mega:#!Sh8nQIoZ!D8Tsiqu1nkGVAETZHW7PcXMpzp0w65NFvPBwWmpdLTU
  52. ''Mario Tennis Ultra Smash [AVXE01]'' → mega:#!FcxknR7I!naT-qKSvoXS_1olIGmbamuwDG-yvSytg3RkZHDgoTpY
  53. ''Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 [AHDP08]'' → mega:#F!081xnbIY!DaVHMX_7wd5EqW-iwOdbUA
  54. ''Need For Speed Most Wanted [ANSE69]'' → mega:#F!ZVpESbrY!9rWOZZIrp2jbn4ktHoAqcQ
  55. ''New Super Luigi U [ARSE01]'' → mega:#!Vo0whbRI!xmz1J2_ljMxq0eZ5y6K0xlppnKB9xsEvAvSVzQ8_Di0
  56. ''New Super Mario Bros U [ARPE01]'' → mega:#F!LQ9SxIxS!HH3qGUfaWhrW2MNtoCZ3gg
  57. ''Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge [ANGE01]'' → mega:#F!R89xEThL!vnQPPpRUWnZNJc54v6NO2w
  58. ''Pikmin 3 [AC3P01]'' → mega:#F!5ol2GRKC!UD_qW0LfhNtCF5NG8JxAFA
  59. ''Pokken Tournament [APKP01]'' → mega:#F!BtNTAIqR!DXF5gEsq88dQmb3FA--VWA
  60. ''Puyo Puyo Tetris'' → https://mega.nz/#!Qp12zLgR!ftPjeotQmJ4L7EgVaj6gd9Wao-DBPrHAnIYRJOWFh3o
  61. ''Shovel Knight [WKNPAY]'' → mega:#!NxkzBAJY!A5_G1muXBaZFYjrWnZJOQo5WPVPwuMd5WsC1fKG4DK0
  62. ''Sonic Lost World [ASNE8P]'' → mega:#F!JMAljDrT!NbdIWmdSyJSMvlE2IHkbMg
  63. ''Splatoon [AGMP01]'' → mega:#F!cUQwxAgJ!yMaPkPPxTkP48hCv87dQLA
  64. ''Star Fox Zero [AFXE01]'' → mega:#F!StESkDxA!H8nU1E0Xgxl25YMZZzwdWA
  65. ''Super Mario Maker [AMAP01]'' → mega:#!09FjhI6R!pM97a1UIbuJMn5wsTR7PeD1qIVf8pfTkxT-fnW5ncjw
  66. ''Super Smash Bros Wii U [AXFE01]'' → mega:#!JFBAxLrD!F-otU-PHevq18YAZ9EL8JChPM00EFDmxdTrPSpvfI0s
  67. ''The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD [AZAE01]'' → mega:#F!h8MSQAZC!EP9yAlh9suu-a6LX0tjQEA
  68. ''The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker [BCZE01]'' → mega:#F!wEAHjSwS!IrjpNRIf-IXXjEdadEFgMQ
  69. ''The Wonderful 101 [ACMP01]'' → mega:#F!b4VBhLSa!qBU4wFqJiAY2ahvm_Q3JQg
  70. ''Wii Sports Club [AWSE01]'' → mega:#!sdhSxb7Q!4knv7eEYCBCany-dwqNSa-LtV6CNKI1E9pztPEVnAR0
  71. ''Xenoblade Chronicles X [AX5E01]'' → mega:#F!El1CGIwb!pjePkpa1074OCITKpar5hQ
  72. ''Xenoblade Chronicles X (EUR) (Undub Beta Uncens) [AX5D01]'' → mega:///#!5YIzTYpS!_SFQ8HgVePeQERc93k-ASgl0wxcqp70UwzMHZMTFFyQ
  73. ''Yoshis Woolly World [AYCP01]'' → mega:#F!5MAFFJBR!u9bY2ccqJOFLaUuH1HjSBQ
  74. ''Nintendo DS Collection'' → mega.nz/#F!RJlgBaRA!-v_OOMFUJwP6-0jxf60u8w
  75. ''Virtual Console Ready2Play (NES, SNES, GBA Collection)'' → mega:///#!xh9m0TKI!gTmwQyplqwGILmk9KXlNuF2ehjPn4BqzgucIt972ro0
  76. ------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
  77. ''Wii U Games Compiled List - DDL Links '(2 of 2)'''
  78. ''eShop Titles: Adventures Of Pip, Armillo, BIT TRIP RUNNER 2: The Legend Of Rythm Alien, Chasing Dead, Child Of Light, Chompy Chomp Chomp Party!, Chronicles Of Teddy - Harmony Of Exidus, Color Zen, Don't Starve Giant Edition, Dreamals, EDGE, Elliot Quest, Freedom Planet, Freeze Me, Grumpy Reeper, Human Resource Machine, Infinity Runner, Ittle Dew, Life Of Pixel, Lone Survivor Director's Cut, Master Reboot, Nihilumbra, Olympia Rising, Puzzle Monkeys, Shadow Puppeteer, Spy Chameleon, SteamWorld Dig, Stick It To The Man!, Tengami, The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth, The Cave, Trine Enchanted Edition, Whispering Willows, Wicked Monsters Blast! HD PLUS, Year Walk'' → https://mega.nz/#F!dtYxyLzI!jXFGS169uFnCM-8zXi6UcQ
  79. ''Star Fox Zero [AFXE01]''
  80. ''Super Mario 3D World [ARDE01]''
  81. ''The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD [BCZE01]''
  82. ''The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD [AZAE01]''
  83. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2se9LM8nh9kclRFUThFZnFDLTg
  84. ''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBP01]''
  85. ''New Super Luigi U [ARSE01]''
  86. ''Pikmin 3 [AC3P01]''
  87. ''Shovel Knight [WKNPAY]''
  88. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5Og25SeOkqMMk9OQUsxWGZVVlU
  89. 'Note for Captain Toad: This is EU copy but works with US consoles. For people in EU before you load Captain Toad you must rename all folders starting with US to EU in /data/content/LocalizedData'
  90. ''Dr. Luigi (PAL) [WAQP01]''
  91. ''EDGE (PAL) [WEDPTW]''
  92. ''Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (NTSC-U) [AXYE01]''
  93. ''NES Remix Pack (NTSC-U) [AFDE01]''
  94. ''Super Mario Maker (Updates applied) (PAL) [AMAP01]''
  95. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2QiTQPX1pe7cC1IQlpfdDVqVWc
  96. ''Nintendo 64 Collection (1)'' → https://mega.nz/#F!uxFGkRZS!KUShgqYuuTCcXma0J0FpYw
  97. ''Nintendo 64 Collection (2)'' → https://mega.nz/#!ftZASZCZ!L7CmLhEqiNIt9wITdSLsfwI0t6YG1cJ0NCudCnnBEfY (List: http://pastebin.com/CsUu2tUV)
  98. ''Nintendo 64 Collection (3)'' → https://mega.nz/#!P4ZwAJ4J!AlxIdmAnR7-5LyvMXOyHH57SjucpYCwNbNxusxnI8mM (List: http://pastebin.com/PFF91WPn)
  99. ''SNES Collection'' → https://mega.nz/#F!zwd2WCqQ!nlat5oqv1KiLTDUDFqNYlQ (List: http://pastebin.com/pQYR4jLW)
  100. ''DS to VC converter for Windows'' → http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=34525238053711541849
  101. ------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
  102. Difficulties with a MEGA downloads? Use magnet links. ''1. Open torrent client - 2. Add - 3. Paste the magnet link.''
  103. ''Wii U Games Compiled List - Magnet Links '(1 of 2)'''
  104. ''Armillo (eShop) EU [WMLP9T]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:192280822FC1CEF409A87EAEB14FBE4378CC34F4
  105. ''Bayonetta EU [AAFD01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:00F12C24C36A921EAA80C07A425F668278771F6D
  106. ''Bayonetta_2_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9C9C31119DEC06F2AFE96ACD07E500B215911D13
  107. ''Captain Toad Treasure Tracker [AKBP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2C5715AB8B272452E76BD611A566F0964AB82DF9
  108. ''Child Of Light (eShop) EU [ACLP41]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9534BD06D7628C043340204892AD126E15EDE5B3
  109. ''Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:52D6AF271F0E42E9A4731F1EBCB71E38CF4B8FC4
  110. ''Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Eshop) (USA EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AD94B27823D82AE8819AC98D8A40B1D324483141
  111. ''Hyrule Warriors US'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:600107692BA8E75CD5B5BFAA8F207FA0BEB16F5E
  112. ''Just_Dance_2015_EUR_WiiU-ABSTRAKT'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:835432D9334A448A881AF622B246727D994A3D7C
  113. ''Just_Dance_2016_EUR_WiiU-VENOM'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:48F584D4AE712C4CA6ECF0170428BAA0AE50223F
  114. ''Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush [AXYP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2C95184D16D61EC6B87D62952B70498DDBFB4184
  115. ''Kirby_and_the_Rainbow_Curse_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1EE25EECE6698B808D70B1BE49F3D38BE2FBE4C8
  116. ''Mario Kart 64 (eshop) EU [NALE01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:324F8BDCD59EE7EC5ECA7C192DD7BB82F25C9B7B
  117. ''Mario Party 10 [ABAP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:07EDB261F1074FED2D4EC50AA704EFB7C220E081
  118. ''Mario Tennis Ultra Smash USA'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6E7D51F4F453083BAB1760ADC2DE7752419E47C9
  119. ''Mario.Kart.8.USA.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D4317E1166C9F76E07C500AB3676C9F861E323A3
  120. ''Mario_Party_10_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2E294982364524DAD7BA30F912FBDD458D4F2F12
  121. ''Minecraft_Wii_U_Edition_WiiU-PACT'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9F249A0D4E73FDC9F09907E7BB2568A6C344A68F
  122. ''Monster_Hunter_3_Ultimate_EUR_MULTi5_WiiU-ABSTRAKT'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C1959F6A14AB9E352BDF668B524ADB0AECF29E8C
  123. ''NES Remix US [AFDE01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:785FFB9E491EB595CB6D168FA7D9A1325F4796DB
  124. ''NES Remix 2 US [WF2E01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A6E83C6F3CD0295298649AF87F5A30433511BFDE
  125. ''New Super Luigi U [EUR]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5715101BA57309EF851EA07A29C6674FDB8E14E5
  126. ''New Super Mario Bros U USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7DCE770470C1207A30E65033C023A695999D5088
  127. ''Nintendo Land (EUR) [ALCP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3B8940115D100D2C5772F7E96702F8A0B6BFBB1F
  128. ''Oddworld New n Tasty (eShop) EU [ANWP85]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:58B7F122AAABA69912B55570976241CA04CF35AB
  129. ''Pikmin.3.USA.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C423A0DEFB26122B89ED3CFCF77DB80985E93841
  130. ------ !!!STOP HERE, CHARACTER LIMIT!!! ------
  131. ''Wii U Games Compiled List - Magnet Links '(2 of 2)'''
  132. ''Pokken Tournament [APKP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BB8C11B62EF288706241B9139A81F65DDA0CF89C
  133. ''Project.Zero.Maiden.of.Black.Water.EUR.WiiU-FAKE'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:511F8BDC64FD81B72AA4A01C76CE1F995B9A0A1E
  134. ''Resident Evil Revelations EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:44FA8C047100686401EBA52AD08FE0ED29D4FA52
  135. ''Skylanders_Giants_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:923FDEBD89D993AA51096BEACC5C270766E03D76
  136. ''Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6C0DB4A2787E65410ECAB8AB6D3E90A7EE5CB853
  137. ''Splatoon (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4EC6C5388C41A999588E1A05A49319E26831EE79
  138. ''Star Fox Zero USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A5FCF4703047F145D914D6EA8EC7C0D1493A078F
  139. ''SteamWorld Dig (eShop) EU [ADGPVW]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9BBB0F31B69C0206AE0CF7D6999C09B01C5E6615
  140. ''Stick It To The Man (eShop) EU [WMNPCY]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:32E4CB4957BB68C3EF3AD6ADA565B87370AED534
  141. ''Super Mario 3D World EU [ARDP01]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:DF203A5028B6706AFFCC51EEAF71C66A2AD9BE2E
  142. ''Super Mario 64 (eshop) USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B2C9269511C8BDECDF044E411DA19F34094B40C7
  143. ''Super Mario Maker USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:00E83BE338C62F2699E2F9E1CF553B8173C4AC38
  144. ''Super.Mario.3D.World.USA.WiiU-PoWeRUp-7z'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4FE95170325C42B018254E0627F3759C6F43D6E7
  145. ''Super_Smash_Bros_For_WiiU_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C10AB2EC18BB9E6E9FEDC1F683CB61CFA08199C5
  146. ''The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (eShop) EU [BRXPNV]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3CBAE2ADDEFFEFB03EB9D47E2A811B4816FDF08B
  147. ''The Cave (eShop) [WCVP8P]'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:70892FD8FAAA01ED76631EF63DAEFB0BA56D2412
  148. ''The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time USA (eshop) [N64]-WHEELMAN'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AA00D15023F86606EFB70360EDDEAF1FAF867C26
  149. ''The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C1E7C1C7B2CE72E0B8FDBC8C0C16A89547BBC467
  150. ''The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:282C54575CE4C5CD7B606418BC71939B7FFA8D2C
  151. ''The_Wonderful_101_USA_WiiU-RETRiBUTiON'' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7C0C0E3A42DFCA6C904359BBD4350F4E5829C284
  152. ''Trine_2_ Directors_Cut_EU'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:58441AED6CAD4CA7DF952CA9D76B6E99AE6E5F18
  153. ''Wii_Sports_Club_USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8317D1CA404E76246ABF0E3ECE6471F4F168CD36
  154. ''Xenoblade Chronicles X USA'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8C84CE62DC189E01BD74E53EDF5F05D20F53D8E6
  155. ''Yoshis Wooly World EUR'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B2CAE75B6D4887A61F3BAD8D642B1E48B33F9208
  156. ''ZombiU (EUR)'' '(Loadiine)' → magnet:?xt=urn:btih:46DB112555CFFC96EFF30740AD05302194543589
  157. '(Loadiine)' = Files 'should' already be extracted from the ''.WUD'' file.
  158. If files are not extracted from ''.WUD'' you must extract it with ''Uwizard'': https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ETxoIujjPFLTJOY2pIZ3RfRms/view?pref=2&pli=1
  159. The Wii U common key: 'D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656'
  160. And the Title ID for the game. If you download a scene release the ''.nfo'' or ''.txt'' file should have the Title ID, if it doesn't, find it on this list:
  161. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l427nnapxKEUBA-aAtiwAq1Kw6lgRV-hqdocpKY6vQ0/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true ''(under column F 'WUD Key')''

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Yoshi's Woolly World

Release date(s)JP July 16, 2015
NA October 16, 2015
EU June 26, 2015
Mode(s)Single-player, Multiplayer (2)
Input methodsGamePad, Pro Controller
See also...

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Wikipedia page

/ /. / / / / / / / // / / / / / // / / / / / // / / / // rtx/ VENOM / Yoshis Woolly World EUR WiiU VENOM.

Yoshi's Woolly World is a side-scrolling platformer video game and is the seventh main entry in the Yoshi series of games. The game is the seventh main entry in the Yoshi series of games, and the first home console title in the series since 1997's Yoshi's Story. The game was released worldwide throughout 2015. A port for the Nintendo 3DS, known as Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, was released worldwide in early 2017.

  • 2Known Issues

Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World is a dyed-in-the-wool platformer that’s bursting with colour and texture, only on Nintendo 3DS family systems. Explore a material world with Yoshi and Yoshi. Jun 29, 2015 This is how Yoshi's latest adventure begins. See two full levels, plus we explore the hub world.

External Links


Wiki Mario = https://www.mariowiki.com/Yoshi%27s_Woolly_World

Known Issues

Graphics-API Issues

  • In level 3-8, crash can occur when entering first door. Switch to OpenGL, complete level, then switch back to Vulkan.

Vendor-Specific Issues

  • This needs to be verified with Vulkan
  • Improper lighting and certain effects/textures not rendered properly on NVIDIA GPUs. There's no fix for it.

Levels Difficult to Play

Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key Fl

  • In level 3-4, the bubbles are invisible.
  • In level 4-1, the ropes are invisible.


Runs with default settings but tweaking is recommended.

Status Summary Table

The image below shows a summary of the whole game situation starting fresh with Cemu 1.15.0e with some additional statistics included (no 100% save used). Currently (11 May 2019) the best version of CEMU to run this game is 1.15.3. Version 1.15.5 introduces graphical glitch on level 1-4 (rotating device) and version 1.15.6 introduces rendering issues when starting or leaving a level/house in yoshi's village.

Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key 10

Gameplay Videos


Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Keyboard

VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.4.0cWindows 7EURIntel Core i5 650 @3.2GHzAMD Radeon R9 270XleparklezN/AUnplayableBlack screen.
1.4.1Windows 10EURIntel Core i5-4690kNvidia GTX 980OnlyCompanionN/AUnplayableBlack Screen.
1.4.2bWindows 10USAIntel Core i3-3217UNvidia 720mAlokN/AUnplayableBlack Screen, No sound
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.5.1Windows 8USAIntel Core i7 4790Nvidia GTX 970Frostlandia60LoadsDisplays title in framebuffer 2, fades to black permanently after a couple of seconds
1.5.2Windows 10USAIntel Core i5Nvidia GTX 750tiAwesomeFaceTM60Loadssame as with 1.5.1
1.5.4Windows 10EURIntel Core i7Nvidia gtx 960mAwesomeFaceTM60LoadsSame result with previous versions.
1.5.4Windows 7EURIntel Core i5 2320 @30GhzNVIDIA GeForce GTX 760Erika NightrayN/AUnplayable
1.5.5cWindows 10EURIntel Core i5 4670kNvidia GTX 970NightmareTXN/AUnplayable
1.5.6bWindows 10EURIntel Core i5-4590Nvidia GTX 9703D2Y BandicootN/AUnplayable
1.5.6bWindows 10USAAMD FX 4350 @ 4.2 GHzNvidia GeForce 770SanderN/AUnplayable
1.5.6bWindows 10EURIntel Core i7NVIDIA GTX970rufuskoN/AUnplayable
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.6.0Windows 10EURIntel Core i5NVIDIA GTX 860MEdwardElric60RunsGlitchy graphics and lag spikes on first run
1.6.0Windows 7EURAMD FX 8320 @ 4.4GHzAMD Radeon R9 390Darkemaste35-50PlayableSurprisingly playable, minor visual issues with certain objects and transparent Yoshi head when inside a course. Audio is fantastic.
  • There currently there is an input bug similar to Smash, in addition to a similar workaround; leave input disabled before booting/loading and *wait* a short while for the title screen and music, (past the controller screen) afterwards select **Wii U Pro Controller** in Cemu's input settings and press A.
  • Character models are invisible with 'Persistent Vertex Buffer' disabled, enable Persistent Vertex Buffer to resolve this. (possibly AMD-GPU specific)
1.6.0Windows 7USAIntel Core i5 760Nvidia GTX 560 tijohn50Runsstops frequently for prolonged periods
1.6.0Windows 7EURIntel Core i7-920Nvidia GTX970Asper30Runssome glitches
1.6.1Windowws 10EURIntel Core i5 4670k @ 4.2 GHzGTX 750 Ti 2GBchriztr35-37PlayableHard to start, but runs if you leave the controller alone during boot until title screen appears.
1.6.1Windows 10EURIntel Core I7 5500U 2.4GHzNvidia Geforce 830mRenanZX60Loadscrashes after controller screen and don't recognize the input controller
1.6.1Windows 10EURAMD FX9590Nvidia GTX 1070onedementedsmurf5-30RunsSeemingly freezes after controller screen. Occasional serious lockups.
1.6.1Windows 10EURIntel Core i7-5700hqNvidia GTX 960mJorrN/AUnplayable
1.6.1Windows 7EURAMD FX 8320 @ 4.4GHzAMD Radeon R9 390Darkemaste50-60PlayableGreatly improved performance/stability. Minor visual issues with certain objects, (which also seems to lower performance noticeably when present) and transparent Yoshi head when inside a course. Audio is fantastic.
1.6.2Windows 7EURAMD FX 8320 @ 4.4GHzAMD Radeon R9 390Darkemaste60PlayableFurther improved performance/stability. Previous minor visual issues with certain objects are now fixed and Yoshi heads are no longer transparent.

Appears to have issues with missing specific terrain/background textures.

1.6.2Windows 10USAIntel Core i5-3570kNvidia GTX970amosk45-60Loadsgame crashing, runs stable at 60fps for a little then complete freeze, restart, then crash, i would say semi-unplayable.
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.7.0dWindows 10EURIntel Core i7 5500U 2.4GHzNividia Geforce 830m 2GBRenanZ15-30fpsLoadsusing a custom graphic pack at 480p,it's playable,with cashed game you get more fps,at 720p it's very low,but the game still crashing in-game like other versions of cemu,and you can't pass the stage
1.7.0dWindows 10USAIntel Core i5-2500kNvidia GTX970mekyon60LoadsGame loads, Doesn´t recognize input but is easily fixed by disabling input and reenabling on title screen as described by Darkmaste. Minor graphic glitches on first run and crashes on certain events.
1.7.1Windows 7USAAMD FX 8320 @ 4.4GHzAMD Radeon R9 390Darkemaste60RunsNo longer crashes when opening parcels, though still crashes when opening certain specific [transformation] zipper doors. Objects and flowers appear properly/do not stretch, appears to be AMD-GPU specific. Note: can largely be considered playable using a save file located here- https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii-u-save-files-compilation.427761/
1.7.2Windows 10EURIntel Core i5 6600kNvidia gtx 1050tiyoubill3630-50Loadsgraves tirones constantes y se acaba colgando
1.7.2cWindows 8.1EURIntel Core i5-4690kNvidia GeForce GTX 770GullyN/ALoadsCrashes before start screen
1.7.2cWindows 10USAIntel Core i5-4690kNvidia GTX1060ToppestOfDogs60LoadsGame loads, but crashes after showing the controller screen at the beginning.
1.7.3dWindows 10EURIntel Core i5-6400nVidia GeForce 1070Seriousn00b60LoadsThe game's perfectly playable until the door in stage 1-2. Entering it will make Cemu crash instantly.
1.7.4dWindows 10EURIntel Core i7-4790kNvidia GTX1060FariJoon60RunsGame gets past the title screen after quite a bit of loading. Constant temporary lag on first playthrough of levels. This lag however dissapears after getting into the levels for a second playthrough. Recreating the Shader Cache also helps quite a bit. Crashes in World 1 level 2 when entering a zippered rainbowcoloured gate. Parcels DO NOT make the game crash. Loading screens however have glitched out graphics and level loading times are quite long (again, way shorter after a second run). Also not suffering the input bug.
1.7.5Windows 10EURIntel Core i5 4670k @ 4.2GHzNvidia GTX 750 Ti 2GBchriztr60PlayableRuns great after shader cache is loaded. World 1-2 crash is gone. First time loading the game takes a while until you'll see the start screen.
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.8.1bWindows 10EURIntel Core i5 4670k @ 4.2GHznVidia GTX 750 Ti 2GBchriztr60PlayableStill playable. Some effects are missing like proper fire effects.
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.9.1Windows 10EURIntel Core i7 4790k @ 4.6GHznVidia GTX 1070FaserF60PlayableVery well playable. To play in multiplayer you need to add the mentioned fix I will add above!
1.9.1Windows 7EURIntel Core i5-4460 @ 3.2GHzNVIDIA GTX970palex0060PlayableLags when new things are loaded for the first time. Expect 5 seconds lag when playing a new level and some restarts at the beginning. Runs at 60FPS smoothly otherwise.
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.11.6Windows 10EURIntel Core i5 4670k @ 4.2GHznVidia GTX 750 Ti 2GBchriztr60PlayableLooks like a few things have been fixed like invisible wall now renders as expected
1.11.6bWindows 10 Pro (64 Bit)EUi5-4690 @ 3.50GHzNVIDIA GTX 1060 6 GBoneBacon60PlayableRuns pretty smoothly and has only rarely issues. But it isn't completable due to the fact, that the last level crashes and there is no fix for this yet.
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.12.2dWindows 10(1803)EURIntel Core i7 7700HQ @ 2.8GHzNVIDIA GTX 1050 4GBC3160PlayableFPS stable at 60 with speedup on world map
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.15.0eWindows 7 Ultimate x64USAIntel Core i7 6700K @ 4GHzNVIDIA GTX 1070ti 8GBbillcox60PlayableCemuHook, Graphics Pack, shader cache etc. 60fps on every level with the odd split-second slow down. Some graphical issues as described above. Game can still be played and completed but some of the graphical issues can make it a bit tedious at times. Make sure you see the spreadsheet above for the levels in question, especially as one will require temporary deactivation of graphics pack. Overall definitely worth playing!
1.15.9cWindows 10 x64 1903USAIntel Core i7 8086kNVIDIA RTX 2080onthemix60PlayableLots of visuals issues. Playable
1.15.10Windows 10 x64 1903USAIntel Core i7 8086kNVIDIA RTX 2080onthemix60RunsGame Freezes, use 1.15.9c instead
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.16.1Windows 10 x64 1909USAMD 2700X DDR4 16GoNVIDIA GTX970 (driver 441.66)Xetron430PerfectMode Vulkan - Works Great with 1.16.1 (No test before 1.16.1 and no test OpenGL) - no crash/glitch/issues/etc. - Game Time = 2h
1.16.1Windows 10 x64 1909USIntel Core i5 8600k (overclocked)NVIDIA GTX1070 (latest driver)IamPeacock60PerfectMode Vulkan - Works Great with 1.16.1 (No test before 1.16.1 and no test OpenGL) - no crash/glitch/issues/etc. except that hidden areas are visible due to Graphics pack (see Wiki) - Game Time = 7h - Will test further and update
VersionOS VersionRegionCPUGPUTesterFPSStatusAdditional Notes
1.17.0dWindows 10 x64 1909USIntel Core i5 8600k (overclocked)NVIDIA GTX1070 (latest driver)IamPeacock60PlayableMode Vulkan - Random crashes of Cemu, use 1.16.1 for more stability with this game
1.17.1Windows 10 x64 1909USAMD 2700X DDR4 16GoNVIDIA GTX970 (driver 441.87)Xetron430PlayableMode Vulkan - Works Great (no crash/glitch/issues/etc.) // Mode OpenGL glitchs but playable

Yoshi's Woolly World Eur Wiiu-venom Key Fob

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