Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers

Yoshi woolly world 4-7 flowers 2017

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  3. Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers Youtube

Going off of a few other threads it would be for the best to have a discussion on the way the categories are managed at the moment.

Smiley Flowers are small and shiny flower heads with happy faces, that can be found in hidden areas among the levels of Yoshi's Woolly World. These Smiley Flowers, while often hidden in hard to reach places, can be obtained by touching one, or using a yarn ball. Once you obtain all five in every level for a world, you will unlock a special level after the boss level.

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Yoshi's Woolly World is a classic Nintendo game, which means there are bosses to beat in every world. You fight 2 per world, at levels 4 and 8. Magikoopa loves to make the Yoshis' lives harder, and each boss gets increasingly more difficult. Jun 04, 2017  Yoshi's Woolly World - Status with Cemu 1.8.0b UPDATE Here's an update to my previous thread about the current status playing Yoshi's Woolly World EUR - v1.1.0 - Build 16 starting from scratch on Cemu (no 100% save used) and the table I ended up.

Currently there are 5 'main' categories:

Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers For Sale

Any% Classic (completing the main game without mellow mode);
Any% Classic No Badges (As above but without badges);
Any% (Gem grinding basically, but the quickest way to complete the game with mellow mode);
100% (Currently collecting All Flowers, Yarn and stamp gems in all levels);
and another added recently of All Levels (completing all levels including S levels but not requiring all collectibles)

Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers Pictures

Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers

Now this is where I'd like to bring a discussion in to things so as to have a clear and more organised board with all the categories that people want. Personally one thing that has a bit of a sticking point in my book but I want to see what others think is the definition of 100%. Now, at the times when initial categories were made no one really had an interest in 100% due to perceived length and this led to no real care being put in to defining it, which should have been the case. The current definition for it doesn't include heart collection and therefore not requiring star rank on each level, and I'd been having a discussion about it with another runner, Torco, that this should be part of it, but we never came to a decision and also felt we had no authority without a wider discussion. However without even realising I had I changed it (which is bad to admit and I apologise) and it was a good thing marcomania pointed it out so it could be reverted. However, I am of the opinion this should be changed to require star ranks for 100%. To make the current 100% run relevant and I also think would be a good way to do it would be to have the current 100% be 100% No Star Ranks and a new category for 100% All Star Ranks.

Yoshi Woolly World 4-7 Flowers Youtube

There I think should possibly also be a drop down added like the multiple controller one to specify whether badges were used or not or whether you did it alone or with another person (though I would be more inclined to keep Co-op categories with multiple people there own thing), and this would cut down on the number of categories while still allowing current categories to be ran. But an open discussion to make things clear on how they should be done would likely be best. Comment here, then how things go forward can happen based on what is said.